Saturday, September 13, 2008


1. To justify the facts

  • How can you justify the facts if you yourself don't know what is the fact! what if what you believe in is incorrect. Facts must be proven through thorough research..
2. To enhance critical thinking
  • how can we enhance our critical thinking if we can just get it from the internet? through internet we can get some of the ideas needed and get some points. for people who hates to talk in front of the crowd, can they still enhance their critical thinking were in fact they are disturb by their emotions?
3. To be able to conduct a healthy conversation
  • how can you conduct a healthy conversation if your opponent easily gets irritated or high tempered? or your opponent does not accept your points properly?
4. To develop their communication skills
  • Having a debate is not the only option to develop communication skills. we can develop our communication skills just by simply talking to your friends, family and to the people around you.
5. Enhance confidence
  • how can a person enhance his/her confidence if she herself creates a barrier between her and the people.
6. Practice Team work
  • how can you practice team work if one of your co-leagues want to be on her own. She dont like to listen to her co-leagues ideas, she wants to do it her own way. is taht whta you call team work?...
7. To voice out their view on a certain motion
  • voicing out what you feel does not mean your debating. you can express your vies just simply by talking or express it through actions, as a saying goes "actions speaks louder than words"...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

7 reasons why people sould debate....

Our group have come up 7 reasons why people should debate.....

  1. To know and justify the facts
  2. To enhance critical thinking
  3. To be able to conduct a healthy conversation
  4. To develop their communication skills
  5. To enhance confidence
  6. To practice teamwork
  7. To voice out their views on a certain motion